24 July 2008

They Just Keep Getting Better... At Terrifying Me.

Another reason to beware of the dolphin. They're like Santa Claus. How so? THEY DON'T SLEEP:

Generally, dolphins sleep with only one brain hemisphere in slow-wave sleep at a time, thus maintaining some amount of consciousness required to breathe and keeping one eye open to keep a watch out for possible threats.

So there you have it - Dolphins are always awake in some capacity. Most likely to know when to strike. Although that would be quite a cool talent, say at a corporate meeting. "As you can see, the FYo9 outlook is pie graph bar graph bull bear Nasdaq Dow Jones, and we must diversify {shuts off one hemisphere of the brain} the portfolio by merging our Exxon to our Mobil Google stock iPhone 3G nano-technology... Jones, JONES! Are you even listening?" "Yes sir, with only my left hemisphere 'cause my right one shut down." "Jones, that's what I like about you - efficiency and initiative. Jenkins, why can't you be more like Jones?" {Cracks a Coors Light and that train comes by and everyone's in bikinis, except Jenkins, because that would be gross}.


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