17 July 2008

Destroy: Delphinidae and Platanistoidea

Welcome like minded friends. This forum is a place to gather for all of those who see the real threat to the world. It is not geo-political instability, nor rising fuel costs. Holy Wars, inflation and global warming (which is awesome by the way. Commuting by canoe? Hello?) pale in comparison to this threat. Second only to drivers of hybrid cars, the disaster looming for mankind is... wait for it... wait for it... Dolphins. These horrible, horrible, terrible creatures will kill us all - if we give them the chance. I ask - no - implore you to strike now. Yes, they evolved 10 million years ago. Yes, they do cute tricks. Yes, they get confused by our Navy's awesome sonar. Oh! That's a solution. More sonar. Thank you Lewis Richardson (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sonar).
Anyway. Kill dolphins. At any cost. More on this later.

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1 comment:

SDGuero said...

Just skimmed your blog, had a few comments:

1. You are funny, not hilarious.
2. You have TONS of extra energy to write all these posts in a short period of time. Boring job?
3. I relate to your life perspective and think your observations, while slightly disturbing, are imaginative. However the amount of time you are spending is definitely not worth the amount of readership you will receive if you continue to focus on the dolphin thing.

Now, I know a dolphin almost humped you but get over it. It happens all the time to people trying to get in touch with nature. If you keep wasting time on this blog, you will burn out and all that wasted energy could of gone to something more fruitful.
