OK - so open letter to whales - you've gotten off pretty much scott-free of late. But now the wrath shall be unleashed. Y'all is gonna starve! I count this article below (hole) as a tiny victory. One more down.
SYDNEY, Australia (AP) -- Australian media say a lost humpback whale calf has bonded with a yacht it seems to think is its mother. The 1- to 2-month-old calf was first sighted Sunday in waters off north Sydney, and on Monday tried to suckle from a yacht, which it would not leave.
Rescuers towed the yacht out to sea, and the calf finally detached from the boat but still swam nearby, Australian Broadcasting Corp. and Channel 10 television news reported.
The calf appears exhausted but rescuers hope it will continue out to sea and search for its mother or another pod of whales.
"The outlook is not good, but we are giving the calf its only option. It can't be fed, and in fact we wouldn't know what to feed it" because it is not weaned, National Parks and Wildlife regional manager Chris McIntosh told ABC radio.
http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/A/AUSTRALIA_BABY_WHALE?SITE=AP&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULTThis stupid bastard thinks a boat is its momma? Tragic. Or Awesome. But mostly tragically awesome. In my on going efforts to highlight the general stupidity of maritime mammals, except sharks, I have filed this under "complete retardation". Join me in congratulating the great culture of Australia for treating the whales with the same accord they have shown to other races, like the aboriginies - complete and total disdain, hatred and racism.
Seriously though, Australians are really racist. Bet you didn't know that, Natalie Imbruglia. Who's super hot. I wish I had torn her. A new one.

Wooooow, you ARE retarded... You think sharks are marine mammals??
Pffft, buddy, if you're going to make stupid 'all the whales should die' comments, at LEAST know what they even are!
I can't believe you actually think they're retarded as well... You're commenting on how a calf is responding to a boat? How well do you think a human baby would fare if it's mother died and had no one to take care of it? It'd probably die a LOT quicker and with fewer resources than a whale baby.
I hope you get attacked by your 'intelligent' marine mammal sharks and that a dolphin DOESN'T come to save your sorry ass.
Dear Alycia: Admit it. You're a racist. You hate humanity in you blind embrace of whales and dolphins. I encourage you to move to Japan and participate in a hunt to revel in the true glory that is a dolphin slaughter. I will even pay for it. I'll sell one of the Ferrari's just for you...
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