So I found a bunch of folks out there in cyberspace who are just so freaking stupid it actually baffles the mind. Yes. Baffles are put in your mind due to this group's utter retardation. Let's just read a small sampling of their rhetoric.
This brutal massacre — the largest scale dolphin kill in the world — goes on for six months of every year. Even more scandalous, members of the international dolphin display industry take advantage of the dolphin slaughter to obtain some few, show-quality dolphins for use in captive dolphin shows and dolphin swim programs.
And the problem is??? I'm sorta not really getting their point. This is somehow a BAD thing? BUZZ WHIRR DOES NOT COMPUTE ROBOT.
So here's the link to these pussies:
I mean really? REALLY? Just take a read of a couple more of their stances:
The fishermen say they kill the dolphins "quickly and humanely." That's an outright lie. The methods used to kill the dolphins are so savage, it's hard to believe it unless you witness it for yourself. And once you've seen it, the images and sounds of the screaming dolphins never go away.
What's your problem? This is perfectly OK. Nay, replace OK with this is perfectly awesome and should be continued. They're trying to paint this nightmarish picture of a bloodthirsty slaughter. Fuck metaphor - I want fucking video of this shit. I'd be sitting here with a Volcano TacoBell Taco and its liquid hot fire magma sauce, full screen that shit so I could revel in the blood, crank up the surround sound and fucking whip it out and jack off to that shit. Dude, that would be awesome. Getting a lil' stiffy right now just thinking about it.
Hello there, Dolphinkind. We have guns. We build things. We can fucking talk for christ's sake. Hell - we had Christ. Who'd you have? Captain Torah? Captain Torah - that's the guy who founded Judaism, right? Historical fact: Before founding Judaism, Captain Torah (first name Hannibal) was only 2nd Lieutenant Torah in the Hindu Light Brigade. He defected to Holland and started his own academy called Anne Frank by a bizarre 5,000 year separated coincidence.
Any of y'alls hardcore hackers out there? If so, I implore you to crash the hell out of these ignorant fucks webbysite. That'll show them to use the internets for evil rather than awesome.
You make my soul hurt.
please, dude. Don't ever reproduce. The world is already crawling with mistakes of your kind.
dolphins do not suck yall just hearted my feeling dont ever take pictures of dolphins that yall killed 4 get all of yall and what yall are going threw. thats how inyyisha simpson feel about yall!!!!!!!!!
You have an entire life of hateful, unforgiving evil karma coming your way. may you live all your days in insurmountable pain. enjoy :)
Um...I think you need professional help and I think that the world would be better place if you weren't in it.
I think you need to be doing something more productive than trolling the internet for 2 year old posts on defunct parody websites. Will you marry me? Or at least give me a reach around?
i love dolphins....but thankful that not everyone else does...i can see the other sides of things...thank you for sharing your twisted thoughts with us... at least you are putting your computer to bigger use, and not jus to give your eyes something to look at while your hand works actually used keys and typed sentences in more than a search box....good for you!!!!
Now its my turn to say alil something... alot of people seeem to be fighting to keep these animals alive.... waisting alot of their own time on these dolphin murders( and yes, it is a horrible thing)....but still, we have people dying everyday....dont we have bigger "fish" to fry......
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