18 July 2008

Run In Terror! They're Learning!

You know that scene in Dawn of the Dead? The remake with that big angry black guy. Was that Ving Rhames? Too lazy to IMDB it. Yes - I'm too lazy to Ctrl+t, type "Dawn of Dead"... In any case, in Dawn of the Dead the remaining survivors, after taking refuge in the mall, decide to make a break for it via some A-Team-iscized school buses found in the mall's garage. They look like this:


Wow. That's a really unhelpful photo to get my point across. In any case, the survivors jury-rigged these buses with Armor, Lights, Rams, Gun Ports, etc. in the hopes of just brutally plowing their way through the hordes of undead assailing them. It sorta worked.

But I am preparing one of these bad boys myself as we speak. Because we're gonna need it. I'm sorta scared about this one. Really:

"In May 2005, a discovery was made in Australia which shows this cultural aspect of dolphin behaviour: Some dolphins, such as the Indo-Pacific Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops aduncus) teach their young to use tools. The dolphins break sponges off and cover their snouts with them thus protecting their snouts while foraging."

Um... Um... Umm....


Yeah, it doesn't sound like much now but we must stop them before they learn too much. First, using sponges to protect snouts. Next, rocks to smash open crabs. The only logical step after that would be servo operated electronic exo-skeletons with a moisturizing system to ensure their health while on dry land, gunning us down mercilessly with their Heads-Up-Display targeting systems operating the 30 mm chain guns mounted to their cybernetic arms.

So as a result, I'm building an armored bus. Laugh all you want. When your skull is crushed by a 3 ton dolphin operated robotic fighting suit, the joke will be on you.

See you in Wyoming (far inland - it will take them a while to penetrate. Unless they master flight. Shit. Didn't even think about that one).

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